All type ayurvedic minerals-stone- rock salt available please select and choose mineral products in our moglowin herb shop categories
42% mercury bhasm red/para powder
kayam parad bhasm mercury powder use only metals and aloys
abhrak kala /black mica
Abhrak Bhasma is a classical ayurvedic formulation that employs the use of abhrak ash or calcined mica ash for treating and managing a quarry of health anomalies including sexual and reproductive problems, respiratory disorders, liver & abdominal diseases, mental and psychosomatic disorders
awlasaar gandhak /gandhak pila
AMALSAAR GANDHAK – AMLA SAR GANDHAK – GANDHAK – YELLOW SULPHER Benefits: Helps eliminate itching and scabies rashes. It helps
Copper Sulphate-Neela Thotha
Neela Thotha (Copper sulphate) is a mineral origin drug in Unani system of medicine (USM). Chemically, it is known as copper sulphate that formulated as CuSO4. It is used by various Unani scholars to manage different ailments in effective and safe manner as Mufrad (single) and Murakkab (compound) form viz.
Diwali potash
पोटाश का उपयोग जस्ता धातु कायम करने के लिए किया जाता है इसके अलावा इसे पटाखा पोटाश भी कहते है दिवाली के अवसर पर इसमें गंधक का पाउडर मिलकर पटाखे की तरह तेज आवाज भी करता है
product weight 500gm
1kg fitkari alum
Here Are 5 Benefits of Fitkari Mentioned in Ayurveda
As an After-Shave Lotion: ...
For Bad Breath: ...
For Bleeding Gums, Weak Teeth, And Dental Caries: ...
For Nose Bleeds: ...
As A Water Purifier:
gandhak dalli /roll/ sulfur
moglowin product Sulfur is used to treat many kinds of skin disorders. Sulfur cream, lotion, ointment, and bar soap are used to treat acne. Sulfur ointment is used to treat seborrheic dermatitis and scabies. Sulfur may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.
kalmi shora /surya khaar
Kalmi shora for high blood pressure Kalmi shora is rich in potassium that is highly efficient in managing high blood pressure. It
Laal kasis/Potessium dicromate
Potessium dicromate laal kasis only 500gm pack available
mensil stone
Noshadar is an expectorant that relieves coughing. It also helps to get rid of phlegm by irritating the mucous membranes.
Uses & Effectiveness
Insufficient Evidence to Rate Effectiveness for...
Inflammation with pus.
Fluid retention.
Digestive tract diseases.
Bladder and kidney diseases.
Other conditions.